We lost our dear son, Denji, in a car accident in
May of 2014, shortly before his 26th birthday.
We now embrace a new Christmas tradition in Denji's memory, one
which has proven to be both humbling and heartwarming, and, most
certainly, the perfect celebration to honor his memory.
On the first Sunday in December we host an Open House, inviting
our friends and family to join us
in celebrating the season, and request that they also bring along
a gift for a child. The
gifts are then donated to Santa's Anonymous in Denji's memory.
Heartfelt thanks goes out to our many friends and family for
showing such amazing generosity, love and support.
The pictures above is what we were honored to be
able to donate after hosting our 4th Annual Open House.
Denji had a heart of gold and loved young children.
It brings us great joy on Christmas morning, knowing these gifts
are bringing smiles and happiness to others, especially the children.
Denji would approve!
Keep up the great work Santa's Anonymous.
We are honored to play a small role in making Christmas a happier
time for families in need.
We'll see you next December
after the 5th Annual!
Yvonne Kuraoka and Tom Winters